Labor & Birth
We strongly believe in the innate ability for our bodies to give birth. Midwives are the experts in normal physiologic birth. We practice watchful waiting and intervene only when necessary.
You should have the right to choices in childbirth. Options to give birth in a setting that feels right for you whether at home, birth center or hospital. Some folks need a higher level of care at a tertiary care center. We can help you choose what is best for you.
We have extensive knowledge on evidence-based birth practices including immediate skin to skin, delayed cord clamping, 9 stages of instinctive newborn behavior and establishing lactation. We can discuss and counsel on all birth options including labor coping techniques, unmedicated natural birth, hydrotherapy, waterbirth, nitrous oxide, pain medications and epidurals.
Hospital Birth
You can choose prenatal care with Sage Willow Midwifery and give birth in a hospital setting. We do not attend births in the hospital at this time. For people choosing a hospital birth, we can help you think about what hospital obstetric practices align with your philosophy of birth and what you want for your birth experience. We have reached out to area hospital practices and have made arrangements for seamless transfer of care at 36-37 weeks. We may be able to accommodate requests for doula services. After discharge from the hospital we can resume your care and offer in-home postpartum care for mom and baby.​
Birth at a Freestanding Birth Center
A Freestanding birth center is defined as a facility where birth is planned in the community setting, separate from a hospital and not in the birthing person's residence. The environment of a birth center is similar to a home birth setting. The birth center model of care is unique and is provided in the midwifery and wellness model. It is family centered care. Low-risk people can give birth at a birth center and then go home shortly after birth (usually 4-6 hours). All postpartum and newborn follow-up care is provided at home with midwives. There are no freestanding birth centers in Vermont. The closest freestanding birth centers for Vermonters are in New Hampshire or Massachusetts. We can provide prenatal of care and coordinate transfer of care to a birth center in the 3rd trimester. At this time we do not attend births at a birth center. Read more about birth centers here.
Home Birth
There is no place like home. We offer a complementary meet & greet visit to discuss home birth services and eligibility. We have tubs available for hydrotherapy and waterbirth. Postpartum care for mom and baby occurs 24-48 hours after birth for all standard newborn care and screenings. We come to your house 2-3 times in the first couple of weeks and provide ongoing support for the first 6 weeks.